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Validate an IATA Training Certificate

We are pleased to provide all graduates the link of the online validation tool for DGR certificates issued by HAFFA (on or before 31 Dec 2022) / co-organizers, just click into the link below and enter the unique certificate Serial Number/Code included in the DGR training course certificate:

We would like all DGR certificate holders to use this new tool as it ensures qualification credibility for you and it is a systematic validation tool accessible by all value chain stakeholders in the cargo industry.


Qualifications Framework (QF) - Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Logistics industry

資歷架構 - 物流業過往資歷認可


Detail: https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/logistics/en/rpl/purpose/index.html 

詳細資料: https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/logistics/tc/rpl/purpose/index.html 


Clusters of Units of Competency 單元組合

 Branch 門類List of RPL Clusters 能力單元組合目錄
 Supporting & Ancillary Services - Surveying 支援及輔助服務 (公證服務) NewDownload / 下載
 Air Freight & Express 空運及快遞Download 下載 (Chinese Version Only)
 Shipping 海運Download 下載 (Chinese Version Only)
 Land Transport & Distribution 陸路運輸及分發Download / 下載
 Terminals, Warehouse & Logistics Centre 貨運站、倉庫及物流中心Download / 下載
 Supporting & Ancillary Services 支援及輔助服務Download / 下載
 Common 通用Download / 下載


Assessment Agency of RPL for the Logistics industry: HKU School of Professional and Continuing  Education.  Click here to learn more about the details of RPL application.

物流業「過往資歷認可」機制的評估機構 : 香港大學專業進修學院。 按此可了解「過往資歷認可」的申請詳情。


Application for Reimbursement of RPL Assessment Fees

From 1 December 2019*, all RPL applicants can apply for full reimbursement of assessment fees in a lump sum after obtaining the Statement of Attainment (SOA). All applications should be submitted within two years from the date of issuance of SOA. Late applications will not be accepted.

For those who have successfully applied for RPL on or before 30 November 2019 and wish to apply for either full or partial reimbursement of assessment fees, please submit applications on or before 30 November 2021. Late applications will not be accepted.

* It refers to the date applicants submit RPL application forms to assessment agencies or the postmark date on envelope.

Click here to learn more about the details of reimbursement of assessment fees. 



  • 由2019年12月1日起*,所有申請「過往資歷認可」人士,在取得資歷證明書後,即可一次過申請發還全數評估費用。所有發還評估費用的申請必須在資歷證明書發出日期的兩年內遞交,逾期申請將不獲接納。
  • 至於2019年11月30日或之前申請「過往資歷認可」並取得資歷證明書的人士,如欲申請發還全數或部分的評估費用,必須在2021年11月30日或之前遞交發還評估費用的申請,逾期申請將不獲接納。






Newly launch of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) clusters for Cargo Surveying at QF level 1 to Level 4 for the Logistics Industry under "Supporting & Ancillary Services - Surveying"

新增物流業之「過往資歷認可」公證服務相關的第一至第四級資歷 於「支援及輔助服務 (公證服務)」類別 

  • 5-year transition period for applying the recognition of levels 1 to 3 qualifications from "Supporting & Ancillary Services - Surveying" of the Logistics industry based on their past relevant working experience, without the need to take any assessment tests
  • Transitional period of the Logistics Industry from 16 February 2021 to 15 February 2026
  • Written test is required after transitional period 過渡期後需要筆試

Detail: https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/logistics/en/rpl/purpose/index.html 

詳細資料: https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/logistics/tc/rpl/purpose/index.html 



  • Professional qualifications on handling insurance and claims in Logistics Industry
  • 貨運物流保險及索償專業資歷

Based on the SCS formulated by the Logistics Industry, the RPL mechanism will be conducted in the form of clusters of units. The practitioners in the Logistics Industry may decide on the level of qualification for the clusters they wish to apply for recognition based on their prior working experience and relevant experience.  Among those clusters of units, there are 20 clusters involving the handling of cargo insurance and claims which are well accepted by the industry (see above RPL clusters for Cargo Surveying).

The practitioners in the Logistics Industry who handle cargo insurance and claims and/or employees in the notary firm who hold the abovementioned qualifications, their professional level is being recognized accordingly.  

Members are highly encouraged to 

  1. arrange your staff who handle insurance and claims to apply the abovementioned 20 clusters for such qualifications
  2. select the notary services which their staff obtained these qualification


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