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·   Successfully Held: Mid-Autumn Festival Fortune Bags to the Elderly



·   Date: 16 September 2023 (Sat)  |  日期 20230916日(星期六)

· Volunteer for Pre-packing and Giving Out Mid-Autumn Festival Fortune Bags to Elderly 預先包裝及派發長者中秋福袋(義工)

·  Donation for Mid-Autumn Festival Fortune Fortune Bags to Elderly to Support 捐款支持長者中秋福袋物資


With the tremendous and enthusiastic support from Members, the Mid-Autumn Festival Fortune Bags to the Elderly was successfully held on 16 September 2023. We wish to thank Members and their families/friends for making our charity event a memorable experience at that. A record-breaking $210,800 donation is received. Hurray!! Apart from the impressive donation amount, what’s even more incredible was the contribution of the volunteers (from Members’ colleagues, families/friends) to pack, deliver and give out the Fortune Bags! All joined our event for a fabulous time of serving the community and gathering. We are very encouraged to receive a lot of good feedback as they see us as a strong and united forwarders community!



·  Donation to Support Meal delivery service for the elderly living alone with limited mobility 為行動不便的獨居長者提供送飯服務

After deducting all costs, all the remaining balance of the Mid-Autumn Festival Fortune Bags to the Elderly will be donated to HKL3C for the Meal delivery service for the elderly living alone with limited mobility for 27 months (from the period of October 2023 to December 2025). Thank you very much for the support from Members, the impact and importance of the captioned project cannot be overstated. It provides essential meals to vulnerable elderly individuals who are unable to leave their homes due to limited mobility. These individuals depend on the meal delivery service not only for sustenance but also for the much-needed human connection and support it offers.

Acknowledgement to HAFFA Members and/or their friends/families
鳴謝 HAFFA 會員及/或其親友 

(I)      Donation Support to Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags to the Elderly

    Total Amount: $210,800.- 合共籌得港幣$210,800元正 

  • Mr. Chan Ka Lok
  • Mr. Chan Kam Cheung
  • Mr. Hsu Gee Ming Ryan
  • Ms. Hui Siu Ying Tracy
  • Mr. Kwok Ho Yin
  • Mr. Lee Chi Tak Richard
  • Ms. Mok Suk Yee
  • Anonymous

 (In alphabetical order by Company Name/Surname) 

(II)      Sponsorship

  • Fortune Bags Supplies: CHAN SHU YIN FOUNDATION LTD.
  • Fortune Bags and Volunteer Polo ShirtEASYWAY AIR FREIGHT LTD
  • Transportation and SuppliesJET-SPEED AIR CARGO FORWARDERS (HK) LIMITED

(III)    Volunteers for Giving Out and Pre-Packing Mid-Autumn Bags Volunteers 預先包裝和派發長中秋福袋義工

       Total Number of Volunteers: 55 persons
       (Pre-packing Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags: 10 persons; Giving Out Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags: 45 persons)
       義工數目總共55 (預先包裝福袋:10人; 派發新春福袋:45) 

Event Information (see below):

Mid-Autumn Festival Fortune Bags to Elderly 中秋送福傳愛心2023

·   In cooperation again with  Life Commitment Charity Club Limited (HKL3C) 再次與樂心會攜手合作

·  [New] Donation to Support捐款支持 Meal delivery service for the elderly living alone with limited mobility (see below for details)為行動不便的獨居長者提供送飯服務(詳情請參見下文)

·   Donate to Support捐款支持 Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags to Elderly 長者中秋福袋物資

·   Volunteer Recruitment義工招募 Giving Out Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags派發長者中秋福袋

·   Volunteer Recruitment義工招募 Pre-packing Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags預先包裝長者中秋福袋

·   Date: 16 Sep2023 (Saturday)  | 日期: 20230916日(星期六)

·   Extended Deadline: 6 Sep 2023 (Wed) [Volunteer Recruitment] / 13 Sep 2023 (Wed) [Donation] |截止日期延至:202396 (星期三) [義工招募] / 2023913 (星期三) [捐款]

·   Certificate of Appreciation will be issued after event | 活動結束後將向義工頒發感謝狀

·  Donation receipt for tax deduction will be issued for any donation amount of HKD $100 or above


·   Mid-Autumn Festival Gift Set Charity Sale 「樂心團圓禮盒」義賣


Further to the great success of the two Elderly Visits held on 03 September 2022 and 14 January 2023, we are delighted to announce that HAFFA is going to organize another visit to the elderly in need on 16 September 2023 (Saturday). This event is again in cooperation with Life Commitment Charity Club Limited (HKL3C) 香港樂心會 (see below for details).  Please join this meaningful event so as to help and care for the elderly in Sham Shui Po by giving out Mid-Autumn Festival fortune bags福袋 to them.  Members are highly encouraged to invite your colleagues and/or their family members/kids/friends to participate in this special event!  

·      Volunteer Recruitment義工招募

·      Participants must be between 4 and 85 years old 參加者年齡必須介乎485


A Giving Out Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags


B Pre-packing Mid-Autumn

Fortune Bags



16 September 2023 (Sat)   2023916日(星期六)

Time 時間

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

No of Volunteers Required 義工人數

30-35 [Need 8 more!]

10 [FULL]

Assembly Location 集合地點

Office of HKL3C, 15 Yen Chow Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon.


·      Member can choose from one of the followings 會員可選擇參加其中一項

  •   Event A Only  OR | 只參加活動A
  •   Event B Only OR  | 只參加活動B或 [FULL]
  •   Both Event A + B  | 參加活動A + B  

·      Limited seats and First-come first-served | 名額有限先到先得

·      All participants enroll as Volunteer will receive a volunteer polo shirt with HAFFA logo on the shirt.

For online pre-registration and relevant info, please click: https://alt.jotfor.ms/haffatraining/fortunebagsSep2023  on or before 6 September 2023 (Wednesday) [Extended]. Since seats are limited, registration will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. For successful registration, participants will receive a confirmation email on or after 4 September 2023 (Monday).  For enquiry, please call the HAFFA Secretariat Office at 2796 3121.

·      Donate to Support捐款支持 Mid-Autumn Fortune Bags to Elderly 長者中秋福袋物資

·      Required Amount of Fortune Bags: Around 320 bags    福袋數量:約需320

·      Target Donation Amount: HKD $75,000.- |目標款項:港幣75,000.-

After preparing 320 fortune bags, more items may be added into the bags in case there are more donations to be received. After deducting all costs, all the remaining balance will be donated to HKL3C for other charitable projects.  購買320個福袋物資後,如捐款有餘,將會追加物品加入福袋。扣除活動所有成本後,剩餘款項將捐贈至樂心會其他項目。

We would like to seek Members’ sponsorship for the Fortune Bags which will contain:

1)   L3C Mooncake樂心會月餅、

2)   L3C x Lau Sum Kee Noodle Shrimp Roe Noodles樂心會x劉森記麵家蝦子麵、

3)   Salonpas Patches撒隆巴斯鎮痛膏布、

4)   Kwan Loong Medicated Oil均隆驅風油、

5)   Toilet Paper單卷衛生紙、

6)   Hung Fook Tong Soup Pack 鴻福堂湯包

7)   Perilla and Five Nuts Mooncake 紫蘇五仁月餅 (Sponsored)

8)   Rice 香米

In order to encourage HAFFA Members to participate in such meaningful event, we have prepared the "Special Donation Package" as an incentive. Alone we can do so little; together we can help the vulnerable!

Donation Amount / Item









Event Participants

A. Company Name with donation will be credited on HAFFA Event Page






B. Certificate of Appreciation
(issued by HKL3C樂心會)






C. Special gift 捐款贈禮-水晶座

(issued by HKL3C樂心會)






D. Donation receipts

(issued by HKL3C樂心會)






For details on the donation and online pre-donation registration, please click: https://alt.jotfor.ms/haffatraining/donationSep2023 on or before 13 September 2023 (Wednesday) [Extended]. For enquiry, please call the Secretariat Office at 2796 3121.

·    [New] Donation to Support捐款支持 Meal delivery service for the elderly living alone with limited mobility 為行動不便的獨居長者提供送飯服務

·    Target Donation Amount: HKD $90,000.- |目標款項:港幣90,000.-

樂心會在區內聘請家庭主婦擔任「社區長者保姆」,逢星期一至五,風雨不改為行動不便的獨居長者提供送飯服務。  聘用區內婦女作保姆除了可以提供生活支援給有需要的長者,亦可推動區內就業,改善低收入人士,以造到雙向扶貧,更可以利用「同區」的優勢,令一些邊緣化的獨居長者可多認識區內的人士。  

HKL3C hires housewives in the district to serve as "community elder caregivers". They provide meal delivery service for the elderly living alone with limited mobility, regardless of the weather from Monday to Friday.  Hiring women in the district as caregivers not only provide meal support to the needy elderly, but also promote the employment opportunities within the district and improve the livelihoods of low-income people, so as to achieve two-way poverty alleviation.  The more important is to let the elderly who are living alone can get to know more people in the same district.

We are reaching out to you with a matter of urgency for another donation to support.  As it is noted the meal delivery service for the elderly living alone with limited mobility is in desperate need of additional funding. The previous funding for this crucial project is nearing completion, and HKL3C is actively seeking alternative sources of funding to ensure the continuity of this vital service.

The impact and importance of the captioned project cannot be overstated. It provides essential meals to vulnerable elderly individuals who are unable to leave their homes due to limited mobility. These individuals depend on the meal delivery service not only for sustenance but also for the much-needed human connection and support it offers. Without adequate funding, this lifeline for the elderly may be at risk of being discontinued, leaving them without access to regular meals and the social support they desperately need.

We are humbly requesting your generous, robust donation support to help sustain this critical initiative. Your contribution will directly impact the lives of these isolated and vulnerable senior citizens, providing them with nourishment and comfort. By donating to this cause, you will help alleviate their struggles and improve their well-being.  

Should Members be interested to donate, kindly specify your donation is for “Meal delivery” For details on the donation and online pre-donation registration, please click: https://alt.jotfor.ms/haffatraining/donationSep2023 on or before 13 September 2023 (Wednesday) [Extended Deadline].  For enquiry, please call the Secretariat Office at 2796 3121.

  • Donation Process 捐款流程

    1. Donation can be made by any individual or Company under HAFFA Membership
      可以公司或個人名義捐款 (必須為HAFFA會員公司)

    2. Fill in the online donation form at https://alt.jotfor.ms/haffatraining/donationSep2023

    3. All charitable funds which are DIRECTLY donated to the HKL3C via either Bank Transfer, FPS, PayMe or Cheque, please keep the copy of donation supporting document (i.e., paper slip or online bank confirmation message via download or captured screen) and send a copy to event@haffa.com.hk by email after donation is made. | 所有透過銀行轉賬轉數快、PayMe支票直接捐至香港樂心會之善款,請妥善保存銀行發票或相關證明,並將副本電郵event@haffa.com.hk

    4. For donation by cheque, please directly send the cheque together with enrollment email to HAFFA by post (address: 8/F, China Hong Kong Centre, 122-126 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui). | 支票捐款請直接寄至HAFFA (地址 : 尖沙咀廣東道122-126號中港中心8樓)。 

    5. After verification, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the donor on or after 11 September 2023 (Monday) by HAFFA.  After the event, a donation receipt for tax deduction would be issued for any donation amount of HKD$100 or above.  | 核實後,HAFFA將於 2023  9  11 日或之後向捐贈者發出確認電郵。捐款超過港幣$100,將於活動後獲發捐款收據作稅務用途。

·             Mid-Autumn Festival Gift Set Charity Sale 「樂心團圓禮盒」義賣

L3C x Lau Sum Kee Noodle Gift Set HKD$198「樂心團圓禮盒」 港幣$198

  • Content:

1.   1 White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with One Yolk & 1 Red Bean Paste Mooncake with Mandarin Peel, Each pc 90g


2.   4 pcs Shrimp Roe Noodles of Lau Sum Kee Noodle  


3.   2 Bottles of Shrimp Roe


  • Delivery Method:

       1.   Self-Pick-up at HKL3C (15, Yen Chow Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon)


       2.   Delivery by SF or GOGOVan, Freight Collect

        由樂心會安排順豐/GOGOVan 送貨,運費到付


HKL3C is also holding the Mid-Autumn Festival Gift set Charity Sale. Should Members be interested to purchase, please directly contact the HKL3C by 9889 7751 (WhatsApp) or at https://wa.me/+85298897751.


香港樂心會成立於2007年,秉持理念:「以行動活出生命 讓愛傳出去」並於2012 年正式成為香港慈善機構  樂心會紥根於深水埗,以長者為本,接觸有需要的獨居和雙老家庭,並提供貼心的照顧,讓他們可以在自己熟識的社區內頤養天年,活得豐盛及有尊嚴,竭誠為長者提供六大服務:


Background of HKL3C: (Translation)

Established in 2007, the HKL3C takes the principle of “Act to Live, Spread the Love” and it has become the listed charitable institutions since 2012. The HKL3C is based in Sham Shui Po and focuses on the elderly services. They get in touch with elderly living alone and double-aging family, offering supportive services to them so that the elderly could grow old peacefully with proper care and live with dignity. The HKL3C is dedicated to providing the following 6 kind of services:

  • 生活照顧
  • 改善家居
  • 醫療義診

  • 情緒輔導
  • 善終服務
  • 創建社交


  • Daily Life Care
  • Home Environment Improvement
  •  Free Clinic Service

  • Emotional Counselling Service
  • Hospice Care Service
  • Social Life Building

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