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Event Information (see below):

Charitable Campaign: Year-end Lunch and Festive Tours for the Elderly 歲晚新禧送暖大行動

·       In cooperation again with  Life Commitment Charity Club Limited (HKL3C) 再次與樂心會攜手合作

·       Activities provided to the Elderly include 活動包括

Year-end Lunch老友記冬至聚餐暨樂心之友籌款活動2024

Festive Tours 節日外遊活動2025

·       Period: Dec 2024 - Apr 2025  | 期間 202412月至20254

·       Donate to Support 捐款支持

·       Certificate of Appreciation will be issued to donor after event | 活動結束後將向捐款者頒發感謝狀

·       Donation receipt for tax deduction will be issued for any donation amount of HKD $100 or above | 捐款超過港幣$100,將獲發捐款收據作扣稅用途


Further to the great success of the several Elderly Visits held in the past two years, we are delighted to announce that HAFFA is going to cooperate with Life Commitment Charity Club Limited (HKL3C) 香港樂心會 (see below for details) again to organize a series of activities from December 2024 to April 2025. HAFFA, in collaboration with its Members, will sponsor a series of activities over the next five months. Please join this meaningful campaign so as to help and care for the elderly in Sham Shui Po. Members are highly encouraged to invite your colleagues and/or their family members/kids/friends to participate in this special event!

·      Donate to Support捐款支持

·      Target Donation Amount: HKD $170,000.- | 目標款項:港幣170,000.-

We would like to seek Members’ sponsorship for the activities as listed below.

(A) Year-end Lunch 冬至聚餐 2024 (Target number of Elderly: 350)

1)    Feast 圍席

2)    Coach 旅遊巴

3)    Performance 表演道具

4)    Fortune bags 福袋

5)    Gifts 抽獎禮物

Target to be held in Dec 2024  計劃將於 2024 12 月舉行

(B) 2 Festive Tours 2個外遊活動  (Target number of Elderly: 120-150)

1)    Travel Group Tour specially for Elderly including Coach and Meal

2)    Fortune bags 福袋

Target to be held after CNY and Easter Holiday  計劃將於農曆新年和復活節假期後舉行

  • Donation Process 捐款流程

    1. Donation can be made by any individual or Company under HAFFA Membership
      可以公司或個人名義捐款 (必須為HAFFA會員公司)

    2. Fill in the online donation form at https://form.jotform.com/haffatraining/donation-of-dinner-and-tours-2425

    3. All charitable funds which are DIRECTLY donated to the HKL3C via either Bank Transfer, FPS, PayMe or Cheque, please keep the copy of donation supporting document (i.e., paper slip or online bank confirmation message via download or captured screen) and send a copy to event@haffa.com.hk by email after donation is made. | 所有透過銀行轉賬轉數快、PayMe支票直接捐至香港樂心會之善款,請妥善保存銀行發票或相關證明,並將副本電郵event@haffa.com.hk

    4. For donation by cheque, please directly send the cheque together with enrollment email to HAFFA by post (address: 8/F, China Hong Kong Centre, 122-126 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui). | 支票捐款請直接寄至HAFFA (地址 : 尖沙咀廣東道122-126號中港中心8樓)。 

    5. After the event, a donation receipt for tax deduction would be issued for any donation amount of HKD$100 or above.  | 捐款超過港幣$100,將於活動後獲發捐款收據作稅務用途。

·      Volunteer Recruitment義工招募



計劃目的是為義工與欠缺親屬探訪的獨居長者做配對,成功配對的義工會定期以電話問候或上門探訪長者,提供持續性的關懷,令義工及長者互相了解、建立信任。 目前已經超過20位義工和長者已配對超過一年,互相建立了深厚感情,如同親人般的關係。

Elderly Volunteer Matching Program

Currently, approximately 350 elderly individuals are served through regular monthly volunteer visits. Anyone interested in joining the HKL3C volunteer team is warmly welcomed to help continue bringing support and blessings to marginalized elderly individuals living alone or in couples.

The purpose of this program is to connect volunteers with elderly individuals living alone who receive very little to no family visits. Once matched, volunteers will regularly call or visit the elderly, providing ongoing support and fostering mutual understanding and trust. Currently, over 20 volunteers and elderly individuals have been matched for more than a year, resulting in deep, family-like relationships.

For online pre-registration and relevant info, please click: https://forms.gle/yxDThqArrkgJSkqG6.  For details and enquiry, please call the HKL3C Office at 36199544.

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