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Lithium Battery Image Library NEW  

Led by HAFFA and CLG, the Air Cargo Industry is now developing a Lithium Battery Image Library to assist the stakeholders to identify the high energy lithium-ion batteries and their screening images for safety purpose. The images will be kept in Lithium Battery Image Library (administered by Cathay Pacific Cargo) and to be regularly shared on the HAFFA/CLG/CX Cargo Website.

1st Edition of Lithium Battery Image Library (updated on 14 May 2024) 

[Download here]

To enhance aviation safety, we need collaborative support from airlines and freight forwarders to share Lithium Battery X-ray Screening Images / AI Screening Images to enrich the library.  Interested Members may send the said images to lithiumbattery@haffa.com.hk for update in the next edition.  For enquiry, please call Ms. Law at 2796 3121.

Guideline for uploading the images:

1.     Specify what type of images (X-ray screening image or AI screening image)
2.     Specify what type of product does the battery image belongs to (For example, E-bike battery image)
3.     Share the image photos (as attachment)
4.     Your Company Name and phone contact number (this will not be disclosed in the publication)

^    Purpose of collecting the above information is solely for developing the Lithium Battery Image Library, the source being company name and contacts will not be disclosed.

Lithium Battery by Air

  —  Joint Seminar: Strengthening Safe Carriage of Lithium Battery Shipments Together, 22 Jan 2024

  • Please click <here> for all the presentation files  NEW (updated on 22 Jan 2024)  

 —  NEW Dangerous Goods Best Practice 022 (BP022) (最新)香港鋰電池最佳行業指引22號文件 

     “Best Practice for Consigning Lithium Cells / Batteries in Hong Kong”  ISSUED (21 Dec 2023)

— BP022 is jointly issued by HAFFA and the Dangerous Goods Working Group under the Carrier Liaison Group (CLG-DGWG) for industry reference only. 香港貨運物流業協會及航空公司貨運聯絡小組危險品工作小組聯合發佈

—  You are strongly requested to observe the requirements of individual carrier and forwarders for air-cargo carriage. 請留意個別承運人和貨運代理對空運貨物的個別要求


BP022 (With effect from 1 Jan 2024) ISSUED (21 Dec 2023)

HAFFA and the CLG-DGWG remain at the forefront to introduce DG Best Practice to the Hong Kong air cargo industry in response to the latest changes in the requirement of consigning lithium batteries under the 65th Edition IATA DGR (2024) (with effect from 01 January 2024), and the increasing local/global dangerous goods safety concern. We worked together to provide an updated version of the Best Practice (BP) with operational guidance for Members, airlines and the industry. Please note the number of best practice is now changed from "BP021" to "BP022" to avoid confusion in the market. That means, “Best Practice BP022” will replace “BP021” with effect from 1 Jan 2024.  

Please note the best practice is jointly issued by HAFFA and the CLG-DGWG for industry reference only. Shippers and freight forwarders are required to follow the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, requirement of the HKCAD and the requirement of individual carriers for the air carriage of shipments containing lithium batteries at all times.

Please find below the major changes of BP022 for your easy reference:

Part 6- case sharing

Adding new cases about improper lithium battery shipment packing.

Part 7 – Other recommended practice

Adding photos and bullet points about observation period.

Part 8 – Un/Mis-declared lithium battery incidents summary

Including un-mis-declared lithium battery incidents up to Nov 2023.

[Download here]

For BP021, please Download here.

   IATA relevant links:   

- White paper “Make Lithium Batteries Safe to Ship" of the IATA DGR NEW (25 Oct 2023)

[Download here] 

Guidance Document for Lithium Batteries (2023)

[Download here] 

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR)

Significant changes to the 65th edition (2024) of the IATA DGR NEW (20 Dec 2023)

[Download here]

Significant changes to the 64th edition (2023) of the IATA DGR 

[Download here]

 —   CAD relevant links:

      Please visit: https://www.haffa.com.hk/portal/Page/Default.aspx?id=169

—  “Case Sharing for “Solar Street Light” Shipment”  ISSUED (01 Jun 2021)


“Case Sharing for “Solar Street Light” Shipment”  新危險品最佳指引 - 太陽能路燈」最佳指引 ISSUED (01 Jun 2021)

Recently a mis-declared Lithium Battery RLI shipment had been intercepted during Air-waybill acceptance with the AWB commodity name “Solar Street Light” Shipment” 太陽能路燈, declared under UN3481 PI967 Section II ELI.  It was later found that one large batteries pack installed in equipment which is over 260Wh and therefore should be classified as RLI UN3481 Section I. 


It is noted that some airlines may now request for more information (see details in the Best Practice) and will ask for further verification for any shipment declared “Solar Street Light” or similar declaration as PI966/967 Section II.  Or else, the shipment and/or the related ULD will be held at CTO after clarification while forwarder may also be requested to come to CTO for open box inspection if deemed necessary. 

In this regard, Freight Forwarders and/or Shippers are highly recommended to contact the individual airlines to check their latest requirements and/or pre-arrangement if required, and to be vigilant when accepting lithium battery equipment shipment and comply to latest IATA DG regulation. 

Please note the Case Sharing is jointly issued by the CLG-DGWG and HAFFA for industry reference only. Shippers and freight forwarders shall always follow the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, requirement of the HKCAD and the requirement of individual carriers for the air carriage of shipments containing lithium batteries at all times.

[Download here]

—  Joint Seminar: Strengthening Safe Carriage of Lithium Battery Shipments Together, 22 Jan 2024 

    • Click here for details
    • Presentation Slides  NEW (updated on 22 Jan 2024)  

    Opening - Lithium battery fire risk we are facing, existing and planned mitigations mitigations by Mr. Calvin Hui, CLG Chairman

    [Download here]

    What is enhanced screening by Miss Florence Lam, Cargo DG and Upstream Quality  Manager, Cathay Cargo

    [Download here]

    Enhanced screening implementation experience sharing by Mr. David Chung, Head of Safety and Security, Cathay Cargo Terminal

    [Download here]

    Enhanced screening implementation experience sharing and how AI can help by Mr. Ryan Leung, Managing Director, Vinflair Logistics Limited (HAFFA Executive Committee Member)

    [Download here]

    Closing by Mr. Gary Lau, HAFFA Chairman

    [Download here]

    —  Joint Seminar: DG Awareness with a Focus on the CBTA, 11 Nov 2022 

    • Nov 2022: Presentation Slides   NEW (updated on 11 Nov 2022) 

    Significant Changes and Amendments of the 2023-2024 Edition of the ICAO by HKCAD 

    [Download here]

    Latest changes in IATA DGR in year 2023, Case Sharing and CAOP by CLG-DGWG

    [Download here]

     —  Joint Seminar: DG Awareness with a Focus on the Lithium Battery, 15 Dec 2020 

    • Dec 2020: Presentation Slides   NEW (updated on 15 Dec 2020) 

    Changes in ICAO TI in year 2021 by HKCAD 

    [Download here]

    Latest changes in IATA DGR in year 2021 by CLG-DGWG

    [Download here]

    Supplement to 2 Questions received prior to the webinar (NEW!)

    [Download here]

    • Dec 2018: Presentation Slides    (last updated on 20 Dec 2018) 

    Changes in ICAO TI in year 2019 by HKCAD 

    [Download here]

    Latest changes in IATA DGR in year 2019 by CLG-DGWG

    [Download here]

    Latest amendment in the DGR (Appendix H)  by IATA : 
    DG Training under Competency-based training & assessment (CBTA) approach. A driver for change

    [Download here]

     DG AutoCheck by IATA

    [Download here]


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